
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act at Fifty:  Aspirations, Effects and Limitations,” (with David Gamson and Kathryn McDermott) RSF:  The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3 (2015), pp1-29.

“State-Building as Standardization: ESEA at 50 from the Perspective of American Political Development,” History of Education Quarterly vol. 56, no. 2 (May 2016

"Judging Schools:  Courts and the Structure of American Education," Tulsa Law Review, Summer 2011

“Great (And Not So Great) Expectations: The Demographics of Proficiency Cut-Scores” AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, vol. 7, no. 3, pp37-48 (Fall 2010). 

“Is There an Expectations Gap?  Educational Federalism and the Demographic Distribution of Proficiency Cut Scores,” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 46, no. 3, pp718-742 (Sep. 2009)

 “Endorsing Change:  Editorial Views of No Child Left Behind,” Georgetown Public Policy Review, vol. 10:1 (Fall 2004), 31-40. 

“Not in My Schoolyard: Localism and Public Opposition to Funding Schools Equally,” Social Science Quarterly vol. 82:1 (March 2001), 34-50. 

“Popular Constitutionalism: Toward a Theory of State Constitutional Meanings,” Rutgers Law Review, vol. 30, no. 4 (Summer 1999) 

“Twenty-Five Years After Rodriguez: School Finance Litigation and the Impact of the New Judicial Federalism,” Law and Society Review, vol. 32, no. 1 (March 1998)

 “The People v. The Court: School Finance Reform and the New Jersey Supreme Court,” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, 4:1, Fall 1994


Book Chapters

“Building the Federal Schoolhouse in Alexandria, Virginia:  A Local Perspective on the Political Development of Education,” in To Educate a Nation: Federal and National Strategies for School Reform ed. Carl F. Kaestle and Alyssa Lodewick , (University Press of Kansas, 2007), pp41-63 

“Public Education, Democratic Life and the American Courts,” in American Institutions of Democracy:  The Judicial Branch (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp459-454. 

“Judicial Review and the Stages of Marbury,” in Arguing Marbury v. Madison, Mark V. Tushnet, ed.,(Stanford University Press, 2005), pp88-103. 

“The Juridico-Entertainment Entertainment Complex:  A New Constitutional Regime,” in Readings in Law and Culture, Richard K. Sherwin, ed. (Ashgate Publishing,  2005). 

Montgomery County:  A Tale of School Choice” in Leaving No Child Behind:  Options for Kids in Failing Schools, Frederick Hess and Chester Finn, eds.  Palgrave, 2004, pp263-86 

Court-Ordered School Finance Equalization: Judicial Activism and Democratic Opposition,” in Developments in School Finance 1996, William J. Fowler, ed. (National Center for Educational Statistics: Washington, DC), pp93-120.